Bedfordshires No. 1 Internet Marketing Consultancy

For Bedfordshire based companies, looking to increase their internet presence, we are one of the leading business services consultancies.

Although we cover the whole of the Uk, being bedford based, we do have a lot of local Bedfordshire businesses on our books.

Our mission is to provide them with the knowledge, tools and wherewithall to get results from their online activities.

There are so many different hurdles and potential pitfalls that an unsuspecting business owner can easily fall into, that odds are if you set up your website, blog, and social media accounts yourself without consulting an online marketing specialist first, you will accidentally either trip a Google filter and fail to rank at all, or miss one of the important steps necessary to make your website and social media accounts work effectively for you.

We work with lots of local companies, not just in Bedford and Bedfordshire, but in the surrounding counties of Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, & Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, as well as assisting several high profile London based organisations.


8 Responses to Internet Marketing Services Bedfordshire
  1. You are so right about the potential pitfalls. We attempted to do all our online marketing ourselves and were penalised for being far to enthusiastic!! We’ve had to learn a lot and start again with the help of a good marketing company.

  2. The one thing I have learnt is that guessing what is best to do is a recipe for disaster. Every time I guess, i’m later proved wrong….. solid advice from someone with a proven track record is the only way to make progress.

  3. If it wasn’t for negative SEO and how easy it is to destroy your rankings with one wrong move, SEO would be easy!!

  4. It’s not surprising that so many websites fail online. Googles complex requirements price top rankings out of bounds from all but the wealthiest companies. It’s no surprise that the richest, largest companies rank at the top is it?

  5. Once you have the secret recipe for top rankings it isn’t that complicated, just requires time and effort to make everything as good as it needs to be.

  6. It’s a minefield out there!!


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