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Business Integration

Many traditional businesses struggle to understand how best to integrate all of the different online IT elements of internet marketing with their existing business.

As integration consultants, we specialise in providing everything needed to optimize your online activities to streamline your activities, saving time, money and wasted effort.

The online marketing world is advancing at a rapid pace, with sites and platforms (such as Twitter and Facebook), achieving massive uptakes in usage in a very short time. New technologies are developing all the time, each of which can potentially represent a new marketing opportunity depending on your business sector, products and services.

Not all businesses respond in the same way to each platform. Some sectors find their ideal customer base (from which to drive converting traffic) in different places online. Because the internet isn’t a one size fits all medium, it’s vital that you focus on the platforms and channels that will give you the highest return on investment (ROI).

Online Basics

Many businesses have a website created for them (with very little thought to what they want their site to achieve) and consider ‘online’ to be done from that point onwards…… this is a huge mistake and accounts for why so many businesses are missing out on massive potential revenue streams.

The internet has so much more to offer than just a website. Not only that, but NOT ALL WEBSITES ARE EQUAL.

The best way to think of a website is as a marketing billboard that you can use to target specific types of people. There are lots of different ways to target your ideal traffic, but if you have had a website built and published and that is as far as you’ve got… you are not yet targeting any traffic, which is why your website doesn’t work for you.

Types of Visitor Targeting

Once you have built a website it needs to be found, to attract visitors, to be seen by large volumes of people who are interested in the services you offer, the goods you sell or the information you provide. Without these visitors, your site is just wasting you money.

The core traffic generating channels are;

Each of these sites works in the same basic way….. they have large volumes of users who go to their site looking for specific goods or services. Your goal is to position your site on the specific platforms that will most benefit your business, driving the best quality of traffic that will convert into sales and enquiries for your company.

Useful Resources:
Mid Bedfordshire
MX Decals


We have a proven track record helping businesses to develop their online presence into a fully functioning sales funnel process:

  1. Gorgeous, Functional Design

    The first thing your website needs to be is attractive, closely followed by being easy to use (on all devices and screen sizes), fast to load and useful to your users. If these core metrics are in place then you can start to think about step 2…..

  2. Integrated Sales Funnel

    Where does your traffic come from? Where does it go when it leaves your site? How do visitors flow through the web, to your site, through your site and out again?

    All these factors matter to your ultimate conversion rate and your bottom line. If you are not tracking your visitor analytics, event clicks, and traffic sources then you will never achieve your goal of building a website that converts new business in volume.

  3. Lead Generation

    The best methods of lead generation vary from business sector to business sector. Our experience allows us to focus on the most appropriate traffic generation channels fro your business niche, shortcutting the often costly learning process that many companies face when they first venture online.

    It is said that 50% of every marketing budget is wasted, but it is the wise man that knows which 50% it is?!

    Your online marketing campaign profitability will sink or swim on its effectiveness…. we can help you to focus on the best returning channels for your company.

  4. Social Media Integration

    Social media, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc are becoming more and more influential for business, providing targeted traffic opportunities as well as giving Google important content quality information which is used to help determine the usefulness and value of your content.

    We will sculpt your social media accounts into a crafted sales process, so visitors (attracted by your social media content) convert into paying customers.

  5. Traffic Conversion

    No website is ever finished. You can always improve the level of performance, to drive more traffic, convert more visitors into enquiries, sell more or attract more fans, followers or likes.